Notably, Ashnoor Kaur had already been shooting in Dubai for her upcoming music video. The young Indian actress will reportedly be collaborating with Ramji Gulati and Sunny Chopra for her new video. Kaur’s co-actor in the video, Sunny Chopra also took to his Instagram to share picture with Ashnoor and Ramji Gulati from Dubai. He wrote, “And we are coming back again with another one. @ashnoorkaur@ramjigulatiofficial. Still shooting but wanted to share this first look.” As per the Middle East Headlines report, famed social media influencer, Faisal Shaikh, who is more popularly called Mr Faisu by his many fans, was also spotted in Dubai at MasterKey Groups. We are thus expecting Faisal to see in one of the upcoming media projects of MasterKey Groups. A post shared by Sunny Chopra (@ssunnychoppra) on Sep 26, 2020 at 4:59am PDT MasterKey Group’s venture MasterKey Media is an emerging name in the Digital Marketing space. Its other MasterKey Rent A Car has also been in the news off-late and seen quick success. Notably, the UAE group is particularly known for providing sports cars as well as a range of luxurious super cars. Struggling to find your way with Instagram Reels? Read: HOW TO USE INSTAGRAM REELS : HERE 3 STEPS TO MAKE INSTAGRAM REELS Moreover, the popular TV Star, Ashnoor Kaur also took to her Instagram to share pictureswith her long-time friend Faisal Shaikh, who is also in Dubai these days on her Insta stories. As she shared their pictures of meeting in Dubai, it also sparked speculations if the two had met in UAE for a new collaboration or shared project. While we are yet to hear any confirmations from either, it would indeed be exciting for their millions of fans to see them together in a new project. What do you think of the possibilities of Ashnoor Kaur and Faisal Shaikh on a project? Share with us in the comments below. Also Read: YOUTUBE SHORTS IS THE LATEST TIKTOK COMPETITOR

Ashnoor Kaur Mr Faisu May Collab For A New Project Dubai - 57Ashnoor Kaur Mr Faisu May Collab For A New Project Dubai - 51Ashnoor Kaur Mr Faisu May Collab For A New Project Dubai - 67Ashnoor Kaur Mr Faisu May Collab For A New Project Dubai - 85