TikTok needs your email address and phone number to verify your account when you sign up, recover your account if you forget your password, and send you emails if there’s anything going on with your TikTok account.
Can You Have 2 TikTok Accounts with the Same Number?
Unfortunately, TikTok only allows you to have the one phone number associated with one account. Your phone number is used to log in and for 2-Step Verification if you have it set up. TikTok uses your number or email to verify you’re the account owner when you need to recover your account, but if two accounts have the same email then they wouldn’t be able to use your number as a method of verification which is why only one number can be used for one TikTok account. 2-Step Verification is when you have to enter a code that was sent to your phone number after entering your username and password to login to your account. This stops anyone who doesn’t have a phone to log in to your account. Since your number is used as a login credential the same way an email or username is used, you can’t use the same number for 2-Step Verification for multiple accounts. If you try and use the same number when creating a second tiktok account, when you go ahead and add the code that was sent to your email to verify it, you’ll just be taken to the profile page of the account that uses the number you’ve tried to use for the new account if you’re already logged in. If you do try and use a phone number that you’re already using on TikTok, you might notice the error that says This Number is Already Registered TikTok.
How Many TikTok Accounts Can You Have With The Same Phone Number
You can have 1 TikTok account with the same phone number. TikTok doesn’t allow more than one account with one number so if you try to make a third, it won’t let you. The number used when making your TikTok account is used for logging in and for 2-Step Verification if you have it set up – Although commonly, 2 accounts can have the same number for platforms like Snapchat and Instagram, TikTok accounts can’t have the same number because your number is used for logging in whereas apps like Snapchat and Instagram don’t use your number for logging in. TikTok uses your number to verify you’re the account owner when you need to recover your account, so your number has to be different when creating multiple TikTok accounts.
Can You Have 2 TikTok Accounts With the Same Email?
Unfortunately, TikTok only allows you to have 1 TikTok account associated with one email. TikTok doesn’t allow more than 1 account to be linked with an email. If you tried to make a second account using an email that’s already taken, it won’t let you and you’ll be taken to the account that uses that email if you’re already logged in. The email used when making your TikTok account is used for password recovery when you forget your password – only 1 email can be associated with a TikTok account for password recovery. TikTok uses the email to verify the owner of the account so when a password recovery link needs to be sent, it’ll go to the email you signed up with. A password reset email or a password recovery is when you have to enter a code that was sent to your email after forgetting your password when you go to log into your account. This stops anyone who doesn’t have access to the email from logging into your account. You can’t have 2 TikTok accounts associated with an email, it can only be one – this will let you get your account back if you’re having password issues. If you want to make a new TikTok account with the same email, you’ll need to delete the TikTok account that’s currently using the email. You can’t use the same email for two accounts. When you delete your TikTok account, you’ll need to wait for 30 days for it to delete. Once it’s deleted, then you can use the email for the new account.
How Many TikTok Accounts Can You Have?
TikTok allows people to create 5 accounts, but they have to be associated with a different email address or phone number. You cannot use the same email address or phone number for two accounts. Each account you make has to have separate details. If you create a second account, you’ll have to use a different username, number, email, but you can still have the same display name. If you’re hoping to use both TikTok accounts on one device, then you can do so by logging into all of the accounts you have and switching between them.
If I Delete My TikTok Account Can I Make a New One With The Same Phone Number
If you delete your TikTok account, you can make a new one with the same phone number. Because the other TikTok account is deleted, it means that the number isn’t being used anymore. If you deleted your other account, you can now make another TikTok account and use the same number. Your number will allow you to log into TikTok and use it for your account recovery if you ever forget your password. It’ll also allow you to use two-factor authentication to get into your account if you want more security. That’s all it’s used for. Along with your number, you can also use your email to log into your account as well as your phone number. You can also use both of them for account recovery. However, you can use your email for two-factor authentication